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Sheppard L.J., Crossley A., Leith I.D., Hargreaves K.J., Carfrae J.A., van Dijk N., Cape J.N., Sleep D., Fowler D., Raven J..  2004.  An automated wet deposition system to compare the effects of reduced and oxidised N on ombrotrophic bogs.. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. 4:197-205.
Gidman E., Goodacre R., Emmett B., Sheppard L.J., Leith I.D., Gwynn-Jones D..  2004.  Applying Metabolic fingerprinting to Ecology: The use of fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for the rapid screeing of plant repsonses to N deposition.. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. 4:251-258.
Payne R.J., Jassey V.E.J., Leith I.D., Sheppard L.J., Dise N.B., Gilbert D..  2013.  Ammonia exposure promotes algal biomass in an ombrotrophic peatland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 57:936-938.
Sheppard L.J., Leith I.D., Mizunuma T., van Dijk N., Cape J.N., Sutton M.A..  2009.  All forms of reactive nitrogen deposition to Natura 2000 sites should not be treated equally: effects of wet versus dry and reduced versus oxidised nitrogen deposition.. Workshop at the Bedford Hotel and Conference Centre, Brussel.
Sheppard L.J., Leith I.D., Mizunuma T., van Dijk N., Cape J.N., Sutton M.A..  2011.  All forms of reactive nitrogen deposition to Natura 2000 sites should not be treated equally: effects of wet versus dry and reduced versus oxidised nitrogen deposition. Nitrogen deposition and Natura 2000: Science and practice in determining environmental impacts. :181-190.
